Friday, May 28, 2010

Track and Field day


Time is flying by so fast. The kids are doing so good I wanted to post some pictures of their last Track and field day. We are going to miss our friends and family so much. Our time spent with them is bittersweet.



We have been so blessed to have our kids at Albany Christian school for six years now, They have made life long friends. We want to thank them for having us a part of their family.

Friday, May 7, 2010

Giving away our dog

I swore I would never get a dog because I hate getting attached to them. As the kids were growing I remember Moriah asking constantly for a dog. Then I began to want one and here we are. I am attached and I have to find him a home. It is funny the things that are hard as we prepare to go. Pray for us that we will trust God in this and that he will provide the right people to care for the dog.

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

It is hard to be sad and excited at the same time

Buying our tickets last week was one of the most exciting moments we have had in a long time. It is really happening. We are going to be in Brazil, have our baby there, work with church plants. God is so good and so able to provide. His faithfulness to bring about his promises should never be doubted. The amazing thing is the feeling of isolation and loneliness that came with that excitement. We are leaving family, wonderful friends, a great church family and we have a deadline. It is no longer this summer, or probably by July it is about here. We are leaving June 17th for Kansas City and flying from there to Brazil on July 1st.

Pray for us as we work to say good bye, finish fund raising, and get rid of most of our possession's. We want to finish our time here well. We want to be a blessing to our supporters, family and our church. We need God now more than ever. We are so thankful and want to give Him glory as we take this next step and go.