As we have lived in Brazil the last year and a half we have often wondered what is our job? Missionary is a big title, it covers a lot of ground. At times it can be evangelist, at times pastor, at times a farm worker, contractor, cook or even a parent. It isn’t as simple as a daily list of chores or punching the clock. You have to be a constant observer and learner.
The resolution I am coming to is that my job is to look at the people I am around and prayerfully attempt to asses their needs. Spiritually and physically. As we observe we also have to keep in mind our own ability to meet those needs. The people may need a hospital or a doctor, that may not be a need I am able to meet. We also have to look at whether God is calling us to meet that need. For instance the church here tends towards legalism. It is not my job to change the culture of the local church even though the people need to know grace.
Here in our neighborhood people need dentists, education and but much more they need discipline. Realy that is true of much of this city and much of Brazil. I would love to teach an in depth bible study. To open a church. To sit in comfortable living rooms. However God has led us to Corumba. Corumba has churches, has church leaders, has pastors and is even sending a few missionaries. What I see that is lacking is discipleship. Often people are believers but have not been led to maturity in their faith. The reality in a catholic country is that very few would deny that Christ exists, that he is God, and that he died on the cross. The biggest problem with the application of the catholic faith here is that they leave him on the cross.
I am not sure really where the line is between saved and unsaved. I personally don’t believe it is a simple prayer, though I still often use that. I believe it is much more simple than that but sometimes more genuine. There is no doubt in my mind that someone can pray a prayer in a moment of genuine confession that winds up commemorating the beginnings of their walk with Christ. There is also no doubt in my mind it could be a few words spoken in a moment of guilt without really giving place to Jesus to be Lord of our life. That is more the experience I see around me. People who have muttered words, been to a service or two but Jesus simply has no more place in their lives then a bumper sticker. Thankfully that is for God to sort out.
In the meantime it is clear to me walking with Christ is about learning to read and obey His word. That starts with me. Am I giving the word of God a life changing place in my life? Is my day marked by giving first priority of the day to a time in the word? In all honesty the last couple of weeks have been marked by much distraction. Trying t get back on task after Christmas has led to a bit of rushing out the door. I am first called to keep this straight.
After me, am I modeling and discipling submission to Christ to my wife and kids? Are Melissa and I together giving effort to seek Him jointly, to be ruled by and live in the Spirit? I see many signs that the kids understand why we are here. They seem to be grasping the task at hand. Juliah last night asked what happened to people who die and don’t know Jesus. I told her they go to hell. She responded with a simple that’s sad. It was so clear.
That is something we always need to remember. All of us. The people around us are very much in a sad state. They are more than likely damned, thankfully God is even more interested in changing that state then me. It wont all depend on us but we may well be able to be a part of it.
After that, if the person does have a saving faith, do they understand? Do they understand the joy of serving Jesus? Did they simply respond to him because someone preached eternal doom, because someone loved them, because they wanted to have peace and joy? Did anyone stay and explain to them that God’s word was given that we could experience life? That obedience is the key to receiving the promises of God?
I believe the streets here are full of people who need to be shown what a life of obedience looks like more then they need to pray a prayer. I believe I need to look at how to spend time interacting with people in a life on life format.
Currently Melissa spends a lot of time with the neighbors. Lots of women and kids. Loving them, being around them. She is looking to start volunteering at a hospital in Bolivia, we are leaving to go there in a bit. I am spending time helping on a little farm. We are having one boy who is 18 but acts about 12 help us. He has had a hard abused life. I believe he will be impacted just by being around Roberto and I. I am ordering materials right after this to build a new roof over his mothers outdoor cooking area. We are leaving to go to the river this weekend to minister again in Porto Esperanca.
God uses the time we spend next to people visiting, working, playing and sometimes even preaching is effective.
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