Sunday, July 18, 2010

Getting to know the church

We have been in Foz several days now. We arrived Wednesday morning and stayed in a hotel that night. The next day is when we were told that someone wanted to let us use an apartment so we checked out. We went over to the apartment to discover the person living there before hadn’t paid their electric bill in 5 months and the owner of the apartment couldn’t get it turned on without a contract with a new person. That is not as simple as it sounds. Even in that God had a plan, the hotel was full so the pastor and his wife had us come to their house.

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We slept in an outdoor room that is kind of a lean too, with the fire going it may have been warmer than the house. It gave us and the kids a chance to get to know Tim and Talisa better and their kids.

Last night we decided to take advantage of the outdoor room as we are staying here while we wait for our power to be turned on. We invited the people who were going to a bible study and prayer meeting for the church to come and have a barbeque. I bought too much meat as usual.

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We barbequed in the fire place and set up the Wii on the churches projector and the small sound system we brought.

We also had a small birthday party for Moriah last Thursday before the Rogers family left for Rio. The church here has about 40 people in it and has been meeting for almost 3 years. They are planning to go out and do some evangelism this Friday. I am looking forward to going with them. This city looks ripe for evangelism. It is amazing there are so many churches but they are so religious (not in a good way) that they offer people little freedom, it comes from their catholic background I suppose. Churches like this that teach people that it isn’t about what you do but what Christ did seem to struggle to get the older people in.


  1. Thank you Bethany for adding anonymous to the usertype. I have been trying to post comments and haven't been able to.
    I am happy to see Melissa under her quilt; a touch of "home" helps with the homesickness that can hit occasionally. Love you guys and miss you tons but I am at peace seeing God's hand in directing you. Love, Grandma Karen

  2. Yay! I am loving all the pictures and updates!! I know you guys have other things to do but I really appreciate you taking the time to let us know/see whats happening with you. I think everyone back home enjoys seeing whats up with you guys. So...keep it up!! :)
