I am amazed how much we don’t know. God moving us to a new country a new culture reminds us daily how it is Him that does good work not us. The great thing about God is that when we begin to realize our inadequacy even just for a moment He loves us enough to show us a glimpse of our usefulness to Him(totally based on the work He is doing in us, not us).
Not knowing the language, not being in a place of daily ministry yet, we were beginning to feel useless. Beginning to realize our need for God. It is only an illusion that we offer anything and leaving our own culture evaporates that illusion. The last few days the Lord has opened our eyes to see ways he can use us even now. Melissa unknowingly went on openly about her relationship with the Lord with an English speaker of a different faith. We know testimony of what God is doing in our lives and His power in us is the best tool to reveal who He is. I was able to encourage a girl who has lived here since she was little. We went to the store to return a bottle that leaked. Melissa took the kids to another part of the store to get an ice cream cone while I waited for a bottle. Trying to order a girl came to help her who then wanted to introduce herself and know our names. Playing on the playground in our building with our kids I began to play with a couple of boys, a little game of dodge ball with Mateo and whosathat. None of these are big things but they all give us a glimpse of how just being dumb Gringos opens doors. We know we need to get cards that have the church address and service times. We know we need to study hard and learn the language. God will keep opening doors we need to learn to capitalize. In the meantime we be our dumb old selves and smile a lot. We wake up and look out our window, go out on our mini deck and pray for the Mosque and the Lebanese in this community. We keep loving God and loving others. God will do the work. We are in a season of preparing and building, it is good and has value. We don’t need to rush, just be faithful. Thanks you all for your continued prayers and support.