Wow, September already. Here we are just over 2 months in Brazil, 1/3 of the way through the missions school, Not to mention a brand new baby. So much going on.
The IMTP is going well. We are going through the book of acts looking at the first church and first missions. Melissa has cooking classes and Ben is helping remodel an old tire shop into a church sanctuary. We live with Lori and Neto, a Brazilian couple with two little girls. We have 2 guest rooms behind their house. It is a pretty good set up. Living with another family isn’t always easy, but it is helping with language and culture.
Melissa’s recent baby experience:
Let her tell you about it.
“Before coming to Brazil I had heard a lot of bad experience stories from women who had some issues, or from my doctor who was afraid they would push me into a c-section. It was making me a little nervous, but I kept praying and trusted God to lead me. All I really wanted was for Alannah to be healthy. On August 28th I woke up, and we talked about going to the lake. I was having mild contractions, so we decided to go to Tim and TaLisa’s house to let the kids play. Over the afternoon as we were there the contractions began to increase. We were close to the hospital, so I decided to stay there.
About 8:00pm, the contractions were 5 minutes apart, and I knew it was time to go. Tim was still at church, so we needed to walk. The hospital was around 1/4 mile away. I made it just fine, but my contractions were getting stronger and it was kind of different to walk. It probably sped up my labor. We got to the hospital around 8:45, and in the lobby we had to ring a doorbell - which nobody answers. That’s when I began to get nervous. During the 15 minutes or so I waited, I realized that I was in a different country. During that time Ben had left to get a paper proving we had pre-paid. While he was gone, the hospital staff opened the door and let me in, but not TaLisa. I sat on a bench with a Brazilian girl, having contractions and waiting to be checked for active labor. She was sent home because hers wasn’t active labor; then they checked me. I was five centimeters, and they told me I would be checked in…I think.
I got into a gown and they walked me to room where a few ladies were in active labor. I told the nurse that I would rather walk, but still I had no translator and my contractions were getting worse. The hospital couldn’t get a hold of my doctor who had agreed to TaLisa being there, and I didn’t know if I would see her or Ben again before the baby came. I was getting scared. I remember praying and asking God for peace. I began to sing worship songs, didn’t notice my contractions as much, and began calm down. I knew even if I had to be alone, God would get me through it.
Finally, TaLisa was allowed in, praise God. I got into a water birth tub for a while. They finally got my doctor on the phone, but he wasn’t going to make it. We were not sure the other doctor would allow TaLisa to stay or Ben to come in. My new doctor checked and I had progressed to 7 centimeters. They would give me medicine at 8. At 8 centimeters they took me to a surgery room because the room I was in was set up for natural, no drugs. The pain was getting stronger when they finally gave me a spinal tap. It was probably about 11:30. It seemed like 10 minutes later I was pushing. They went and got Ben and had him wait just outside the door. At the last few pushes they let him come be near me.
It was really different. They didn’t have monitors on me or the baby, but instead a nurse had her hands on my stomach. When I would have a contraction she would tell me to push and then help by pushing on my stomach. At 11:57pm Alannah joined us. I lurched forward and grabbed my precious girl from the doctor, all slimy and purple, and kissed her. They practically had to wrestle her away. Ben turned and left the room so he wouldn’t have to pass out.
They then took her and cleaned her, got her dressed, and put her in a warming bed. They took me to a recovery room and got me ready to go to our room. They put her on my bed and wheeled us to the room with Ben.
In the end, everything was perfect. I couldn’t have asked God for more. He had prepared the way, the doctors, the hospital and everything. I would have missed out on what God wanted if I had let fear rule. I am very thankful to now be holding this sweet little girl. Praise God and thank Him for holding us in His hands.”